Комплексот Skopje East Gate кој ќе опфаќа трговски центар, резиденцијален комплекс и деловен парк, објави оглас за вработување на Маркетинг координатор.
Од кандидатите се бара универзитетска диплома во маркетинг, комуникации, бизнис, е-бизнис или некое сродно поле, потоа познавање на маркетинг техники, разбирање на социјалните платформи и онлајн маркетинг алатки, силни комуникациски вештини, како и работно искуство од 3 до 5 години во професионален маркетинг отсек.
Избраниот кандидат ќе има задача да координира маркетинг стратегии и да имплементира маркетинг активности, да развива дигитални маркетинг материјали, да создава маркетиншки материјали и презентации, да ја координира соработката со маркетинг агенциите, да асистира во комуникацијата со медиумите и слично.
Огласот трае до 25.06.2021, а заинтересираните кандидати своите пријави треба да ги пратат на електронската адреса
Во продолжение следува интегралниот текст на огласот на англиски јазик:
Skopje East Gate is the first mixed-use development project in the country that incorporates a shopping and entertainment center, residential complex and office park. Its aim is to the raise the living and business standards and bring new energy in the heart of Skopje by introducing a new lifestyle concept
Position Overview
The Marketing Coordinator is a professional responsible for managing various marketing projects, initiatives and processes regarding three real estate brands: East Gate Mall, East Gate Living and East Gate Business. This position requires tight interaction with all stakeholders: marketing and leasing team, marketing agencies, team of engineers and architects as well as tenants and to ensure that the marketing strategies are carried out and marketing activities are implemented. The Marketing Coordinator conducts market research, carries out promotional campaigns, identifies target audiences and evaluates current trends, making sure that the communication, digital channels and tools, web site and other communication channels reflect the brand.
- Coordinate directly the approved marketing strategies and implement marketing activities, ensure target achievement and measure success
- Develop digital marketing material and content, systematizing information from internal departments and coordinating with external partners
- Create marketing content materials such as presentations, datasheets and brochures and develop standardized presentations, scripts, proposals, briefs
- Process the administrative closure of projects, working packages and be responsible for quarterly reports
- Develop lead generation strategies with objective, targets and measure and develop scoring system to evaluate lead quality and quality opportunities
- Analyze ROI by capturing digital marketing campaign performance metrics
- Coordinate the marketing agencies to inspire interesting and engaging marketing content such as posts, marketing emails, and success stories;
- Assist with the writing, delivery and tracking of press releases and briefing the media
- Collaborate with the team on new ideas, directions, and venues for marketing and communication
- Produce monthly newsletter and distribute to the email marketing list
- Work closely with the IT department on conceptualizing and leading projects on new competitive features and improvements of the digital platforms. Update and systematize the digital tools by coordinating with tenants and internal departments, as tenants’ information, news, offers and events in the pre-opening and post-opening phase.
- Set up and manage marketing campaigns such as email campaigns, apps, including writing copy, working with a web designer on HTML, and tracking campaign results;
- Update and maintain the company websites, and coordinate the activities on social media presence;
- Connect with prospects and tenants to establish a relationship, learn, share information;
- Support and enrich the company culture by ensuring that all communications from the company to clients and prospects are consistent with corporate image, goals, and objectives; branding is consistent with company’s mission and position statements;
Job Requirements
- University Diploma in marketing, communication, business, e-business or related field
- Knowledge of marketing techniques
- Knowledge of social media platforms, online marketing tools and marketing campaign development and implementation processes is also helpful.
- Minimum of 3 to 5 years’ experience in professional marketing department
- Strong communication skills
- Good interpersonal skills
- Project management experience
- Solid computer skills
- Knowledge in designers programs (Photoshop, InDesign, Canva) are considered as an advantage
- Self-motivated, good organizational skills, detail-oriented, prioritizing, multi-task, and meeting deadlines while adhering to budgetary constraints.
Sounds interesting for your new carrier?
Please send your Resume to not later than 25.06.2021.