Со новото партнерство помеѓу ITLogistics и Better Dice Casino, отворени се 5 нови работни места во Скопје – еден Experienced Affiliate Manager и четири Digital Marketing менаџери. Идеалните кандидати треба да бидат добро организирани со голем интерес за дигиталниот маркетинг и да имаат познавање на индустријата за онлајн игри на среќа.
Во продолжение целосниот оглас:
Job Title: Experienced Affiliate Manager
Number: 1 new opening
Location: Skopje, Macedonia
Salary: 500 euros start + bonuses
Office Hours: 09.00 -17.00 (Monday to Friday)
Experienced Affiliate Manager in the gambling industry – Advantage. A people person that can create and use his connection’s within the industry;
- To help with the day to day running of the affiliate program and with the auditing of affiliate activity;
- To manage the existing affiliate relationships and help with the reconciliation of the affiliate payments;
- Strong analytical skills, be numbers driven with excellent knowledge of Excel;
- To be a strong team player, have excellent problem solving skills and a can – do attitude with excellent communication skills, both written and verbally;
- Self-motivated, into the details and hands on approach are required;
- Goal driven person that will be eager to learn about the operation and product. Fluency in English is essential!
Job Title: Digital Marketing Managers
Number: 4 new openings
Location: Skopje, Macedonia
Salary: 400euros start
Office Hours: 09.00 -17.00 (Monday to Friday)
Managing the performance of paid media campaigns (Facebook). The ideal candidate will be highly organised with a keen interest in digital marketing. It will be responsible for driving traffic to our Platform and monitoring the conversion rates closely to ensure return on investment.
► Assist in the implementation and maintenance of the marketing database;
► Develop Digital marketing campaigns and strategies;
► Bring added value to writing, designing, and publishing ads;
► Contribute/create for the following: blog posts, email newsletters, social media copy, brochures, video marketing, infographics and similar; Ads / creative; User journey / landing pages
► Maintain social platforms (Facebook)
► Aim to increase awareness and engagement across Social Media channels and create quality content;
► Employ marketing analytics techniques to gather important data (social media, web analytics, rankings etc.);
Facebook ads manager experience and Excellent English language skills are essential.
Only shortlisted candidates who meet the requirements will be interviewed.
Send your Application on hr@itlogistics.com.mk with the subject line of the position that you are applying for.